We're here to facilitate your long awaited need for customized apparel. We offer blank t-shirts and other apparel, which can be fully customized to your specific needs. You can choose from a wide range of quality selected items, ranging from t-shirts and hoodies to totebags.
Customers can simply select one of our blank products, choose one of our custom designs or create one of their own, and we'll have it imprinted on the selected item.
Contact us at 793-9657 or 373-8325 or email customink@inbox.com or custominktt@gmail.com and let us know what you'd like printed on a t-shirt or other apparel and within minutes it's yours.
Get Your Picture Featured Here By Designing a T-shirt of Your Choice @ Custom Ink.
The Top T-shirt Design Will Be Chosen By Viewers and the Winner
will Receive a FREE T-shirt with a Design of Their Choice.
Look Out For Our Flyers (to be distributed around T&T soon)
Check out our Video Montage Below
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